Favour Sam
3 min readMay 19, 2022



Photo by Markus Dubrau on Unsplash

Being human can be very exhausting, the only reason every human goes on will be because of the many tempting human benefits. I on one hand have learnt to look away, what is it all worth being human and not part of anything? having no inkling whatsoever life has got to offer, looking forward to something which makes one even more deserving of everything worth having. This universe encompasses so much wonders, a little something for all its inhabitant well except that we have become somewhat blinded by exaggerated tales of ripping all the benefits that life has to offer, looking away too further to even make out the fact that we are not equal.

I believe that the universe does not view all men the same, because if it did then the world wouldn’t be as upside down as it is, people wouldn’t vary at all, we would all be the same in every way. It will be like having a bunch of beautiful, rich, able fit, healthy and kind humans all in one universe, imagine how amazing that would be, we get what we want and belong where we choose, it’ll be like to hell with the class difference and beauty standards we are all the same. That’s all I ever wish for and I know it can never be so but I keep wishing, we all keep wishing, we wish to the extent that we begin to fake it, trying to fit into that circle of the people of our dreams, forgetting that you’re not one of them, but since you’ve succeeded to make it into their mist, you’ve decided to stay for life, even though your image has been built upon the foundation of big fat lies. You definitely deserve an applaud.

Perhaps the pioneers of I am would testify to the magnetic force in the affirmations that follows, tell me we can affirm instant riches and beauty and then actually get it, stuff like that I believe has messed with mind of needy humans, they make out time everyday just to say I am. I do not totally disregard the idea of affirming the most beautiful things in life and being expectant, however, my heart aches for the small minded persons who do not work towards what they affirm.

Humans are very much predictable and they do not know that, or maybe they do but chose to ignore. But whatever the case maybe, we all in this universe, we are not so different, it’s like being the same person in different situations, some poor people pretend to be rich, and then rich people pretend to be humble, others try to fit into unrealistic beauty standards. Just look how much effort we all are putting into belonging to something, something very special. I am not complaining because I’m that type of human too, the flawed human who can never have enough.

No amount of everything the universe has to offer can ever be enough for us.

